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Produktinformationen "Mother love - original oil painting and print"

Dieser wunderschöne Bild wurde mit hochwertigen Ölfarben auf Leinwand handgemalt. Es stellt eine wunderschöne Szene einer Mutter mit ihrer Tochter am Meer dar, die in die Zukunft blicken und der Himmel ist das Universum mit vielen Details. Es zeigt die tiefe Verbindung einer Mutter mit ihrem Kind. Siehe die Beschreibung in englisch unten der Kuratorin. Das Bild war Im November 2020 in Mailand in der MADS MILANO Galerie ausgestellt.

Deutsche Künstlerin: AMELIE EGENOLF - Monira- Art. Das Kunstwerk ist handsigniert.

Original Ölgemälde (4cm Rand) Größe 100cm x 80cm x 4cm

Druck auf Leinwand (2cm Rand) Größe 80cm x 60cm

Die Ränder/Kanten der Leinwand sind 4-5cm breit und bemalt, so kann das Bild auch ohne Rahmen aufgehängt werden.

Das originale Gemälde ist mit einem Schlussfirnis versiegelt, damit die Farben viele Jahre strahlen und vor Staub und Schmutz geschützt sind.

Jedes Bild ist auch als Kunstdruck (auf Leinwand oder Acrylglas) in vielen Größen bestellbar. Bitte senden Sie bei Interesse einfach eine Anfrage an uns.

in english:

This beautiful painting MOTHER LOVE is painted with high quality oil colours. The colours do not smell and are vibrantly painted on a professional canvas (4cm edges).

The painting was exposed in November 2020 in MADS Milano Gallery. That is what the Curator wrote about it:

A mother and a daughter are standing hand in hand in the sea, facing the horizon. In this painting Amelie Egenolf chose the vibrant simplicity of bright and flat colors and Motherhood creeps into every details. The mother and daughter are black, black like the first men to ever walk the Earth, a recall to Africa as the cradle of Life. If we had to imagine a metaphorical first Mother of humankind, she should be black. It should be noted how the artist chose to represent a girl, a daughter, whereas she could have as well draw a boy. Instead the painting talks of motherhood as much as it refers to womanhood, the two concepts are irremediably intertwined. It isn’t farfetched to assume, indeed, that the girl too will become a mother one day. Water is another element strongly connected to the concept of life and the idea of mother. Indeed, water is the first element the baby experiences in, within their mother womb. There, they live and breathe in water. No wonders, often ancient vases and amphora resembles in their shapes a pregnant woman, with their tall, thin neck and a rounder centre. Mother and daughter are walking toward an horizon, over which in an illusion of the painting, it splits into both night and day. It is dawning. The sun has already surged from the sea and the yellow of sunrise is tinting the sky, but up above it there is still the dark blue of the night and the full moon is shining bright. The full moon that has been for millennia linked with women and fertility. A menstrual cycle indeed tends to follow the same phases of the moon and even in modern days, with modern medicine, moon changes still influences when and how women give birth. On the other side of the sky we can spot the triskelion, a rotating triple spiral that is rooted in Celtic traditions from as far as the Neolithic and the Bronze Age. Among its multiplex meaning, one diffused and commonly accepted is that each spiral represents an aspect of the Goddess and femininity in general. One is the Virgin, one the Old woman, and one - the Mother; or in some interpretation, the Daughter, the Mother, and the Sister. Finally, a ribbon connects Mother and Daughter, a frail but ever present red string reminiscent of the umbilical chord. Art Curator Guendalina Cilli

The artist is from south germany. You can see her story and her paintings on her webpage www.monira-art.de.

Original oil painting Size: 100cm x 80cm x 4cm

Print on Canvas Size: 80cm x 60cm.

You can order any size. Just write us.

You can hang it without a frame, the edges are painted too. If you wish a frame, we can make you a offer for it.

The original painting is varnished to protect it from dusk and to keep the colours shiny and bright for many years.

We ship the painting worldwide, just ask us for delivery costs please, if your country is not inside our calculated delivery countries.